Client Love Notes

Zed Bam

I have been following the whole foods plant-based diet for the last 16 months after I had a shocking heart attack. My cholesterol levels have come down from 6.0 to 1.82! My sugars are now down in the normal range at 5.4 and I feel filled with energy and I just got a clear bill of health from the cardiologist 16 months later. The cardiologist has taken me off all blood pressure medication and my blood thinners. As soon as I started eating the plant-based way I instantly felt more energy, felt last anxious and stressed and my chronic migraine disappeared. No more brain fog and my memory is fantastic. Within the first six months I was down 30 pounds and I have kept it off for the last 16 months. Thank you so much to Kiran who taught me how to eat a plant-based way. I’ve given up meat, dairy and sugar, and I feel fabulous!

Tina M.


I would highly recommend Ki. I am ever so grateful for meeting this absolute amazing, caring and highly intelligent angel. I honestly owe my life to this wonderful woman for helping me cure my back pain. I was diagnosed with Spinal Stenosis in 2012 and then begun to experience sciatic pain starting from my left hip right to down my left leg. The pain began to get progressively worse each year to the point where my feet were going numb and tingling. In 2019 it was at its peak. Being an active woman – working out each day, walking each for approx. 1 ½ hour each day I couldn’t understand why this was happening to me and was devasted .

I know that my condition would have been worse if I hadn’t of been active. I tried physio, acupuncture, massage, osteo, needling that was performed by my doctor. I only gained 2 hour relief from all these treatments. I could not get any help because I was mobile and walking. I was so upset that I could not get any help. The pain would start as soon as I got up and intensify by 10:00 am. I could barely get through the day. I was very fortunate that I had a sitting job and even that was nearly impossible. I could not concentrate or focus. I literally would be so drained with dealing with the pain all day that I pushed through doing a walk in tears. I was done and had to lay down for the night. I would pray each night that I would get some help and that the pain would get better.

My prayers were answered when Ki was sent my way. She was so gentle, kind and very knowledgeable, a wealth of information! She spoke about whole plant based eating. I thought to myself what do I have to loose. I had tried everything else and thought why not try it. I will tell you that things started to change instantly. I noticed in two weeks that I didn’t have that pain in my back. I still had the tingling and numbness in my left foot. But being without that execruating pain was life changing.

I never went back to eating meat or dairy. Today I am walking 2 hours a day without any pain and working out 3-5 x per week. All of the pain has gone along with the tingling and numbness in my left foot. I owe my life to Ki, I can’t thank her enough for introducing me to whole plant foods! I have my life back.

If you are suffering from any kind of pain and contemplating whole food plant based please reach out to Ki she will teach more than just about whole plant based foods but also mindset healing.

Marta R.

Mary Gencarelli
I met Kiran years ago for the first time at a live seminar and she had so much great information to share.  I started to follow her on social media and when she announced that she was opening her Feed Your Joy group I thought it would be great for me.
I love kiran she has helped me so much with her recommendations.
I am now living so much better, my knee pain has healed (I no longer go down the stairs backwards to avoid the pain).
Ki responds quickly to any questions that I have, she’s a human book of knowledge.  Feed your Joy is not just a program, it’s a community and safe place where I feel I can express myself freely without judgment.  I look forward to all her sessions  and love chatting with all our friends.
I am extremely happy I made the decision I did all those years ago for my health and my families.

Mary G.

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I met Kiran 4 years ago, who has since become an important person and mentor in my life, helping me rise above the aftermath of my breast cancer diagnosis.

Luckily, my cancer was found early. But after several major surgeries, I was feeling broken. Ki helped me get back on track through her group, "Feed Your Joy". The program covers several aspects of holistic health including healing foods, body strengthening, and mindfulness. Ki is a natural leader and mentor. The Feed Your Joy community is warm and welcoming-we lift each other up every week and I have made several lasting friendships!

I am now stronger, calmer, and less stressed, which can all be attributed to Ki's mentorship and the support of this amazing group. Feed Your Joy is my happy place. Come join us. The rewards are endless!


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I joined Feed Your Joy to gain more knowledge about gut health and inflammation in my joints. I had an instant connection with Ki. She is honest and tells it like it is.

The knowledge she has and is willing to share is incredible and keeps me wanting to learn more. I have continued with the group as it is a safe space to share anything going on through this life journey with no judgements. We have all created a special bond.


“I was introduced to Kiran via a cooking lecture she hosted. Yes we got to taste her delicious food, however Kiran had so much more to share; food combinations, feeding times, recipes and not to mention many suggestions and inspirational advice. This is when I started to follow her on IG, where I get to see her daily inspirations. 

Recently my family has been under some health stress and I didn’t know what to do and was worried that the doctors would introduce tons of meditation that would bring in other side effects.  My worries started to compromise my own health. I noticed a post Kiran had, to book a free 20 min session with her…..not knowing what the session would bring, I booked and waited for my date. 

She called me on time, asked a bunch of questions and listened as I answered… the time had well passed 20 mins and she was in no rush to get off the phone. I took what we discussed and immediately started to implement them. Within 3 days I started to feel better, by the end of a week I had no more pain and had no indication that there was ever a problem. The best part is I didn’t even need any pain medication. It was unreal!  

I booked my next session with Kiran, when the day came around I told her my incredible results and her reaction was priceless. She was so touched and pleased with how she was able to help me she shed tears. At this moment I knew Kiran was my angel sent to me to help me through my current struggles. Not only did she help me but she also genuinely cared about how she was able to help.

I am now working with my family, it’s been 4 weeks and we have seen an unremarkable progress in health. Thank you Kiran for being you 🥰”

Susie W.

I just wanted to share a quick note and let you know that after having had only 2 sessions with you and being in the feed your joy weekly sessions , that you have taught me how to deal with my anxiety, chest pain & reflux and keep it under control .
I am so grateful to you and happy that I decided to listen to all your advice.
I would strongly recommend your one on one sessions,
You are so passionate ,caring and a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you 😊

Diane DiTomaso

Let's Get Started!

At Ki’s Kitchen, we use the power of delicious plant-based foods to add joy, empowerment, and healing into your life. Check out all the different ways we can work together!



Anti-inflammatory meals created to support your immune system and empower your digestive system.



Guiding you through the hills and valleys of dietary changes that will help you to Feed Your Joy!



Quick, simple, delicious and nutritious meals in just minutes that you will be drooling over!