Gout | Discover Ways That Your Diet Can Help You Manage It

First, let’s clear things up. Gout, is most commonly referred to as being ‘an old mans disease‘ – where I promise you, this is not the case. More and more we are seeing younger people affected by this type of arthritis. Let’s first look at what gout is, and become familiar with the causes. 

Gout is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. It develops when there is too much uric acid built up in the body. The buildup of uric acid can lead to:

  • Sharp uric acid crystal deposits in joints, often in the big toe.
  • Deposits of uric acid, that look like lumps under the skin.
  • Gout attacks, often happen in the middle of the night, without warning. 
  • It can harm joints, tendons and other tissues.
  • Women are at a lower risk of developing gout than men, but this shouldn’t mean, no risk. 

The good news? Your diet can play a huge role in managing and preventing gout from happening. Shocking, but true, more than half of gout sufferers, are overweight. And, having said that, this also puts people at risk of higher cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. 

Will Losing Weight Help Gout?

Yes. Losing weight will help reduce blood uric acid levels. the fuel to gout so to speak. This doesn’t necessarily mean it will ‘cure’ the gout, but it is definitely a contributing factor to preventing it, and managing the attacks. Loss of weight will also help alleviate any additional stress on the joints, which is also a great preventative measure. 

What is important to note is that, please avoid any type of crash dieting! That alone can cause the blood uric acid levels to climb, thus, creating more havoc on the body and attacks or flare ups could definitely be triggered. 

Which Foods Should Be Avoided To Manage, Treat, or Prevent Gout?

The breakdown of purines that come from your body, is how uric acid is made, so avoiding foods with high purines is a great place to start. 

Foods High in Purine (avoid)

  1. Game – pheasant, rabbit, venison
  2. Oily fish – mackerel, sardines, trout
  3. Seafood – mussels, crab, shrimp, caviar
  4. Meat and Yeast Extracts – commercial gravy (or Bovril), beer

Foods That are Moderate in Purine (eat in moderation)

  1. Meat – beef, lamb, pork
  2. Poultry – chicken, duck
  3. Dried Peas, Legumes – kidney beans, soya beans, peas
  4. Whole Grains – bran, oat bran, wholemeal bread
  5. Some vegetables – cauliflower, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms

Foods That are Low in Purine 

  1. Dairy – milk, cheese, yogurt, butter
  2. Eggs
  3. Breads and Cereals (except whole grains) 
  4. Pasta and Noodles
  5. Fruits and Vegetables

Foods To Consider That Are Good For Gout

There have been some studies that report that people who had a diet richer in Vitamin C are less likely to develop gout. This is as a result of Vitamin C having the ability to lower uric blood levels. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C include; Brussel sprouts, oranges, broccoli, kale, grapefruit, and more.gout

Drinking lots of water is not only good for your body, but it is also a great way to prevent crystals from growing in the body. However, you want to avoid liquids that are sweetened. Sweetened foods and drinks can actually trigger gout attacks, and put you at a higher risk f developing it if you do not have it already. 

Refined carbohydrates are also foods, like sweetened ones, that you want to avoid. They are linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc. and as a result you may find yourself in a higher risk category for developing other conditions and/or diseases. 

Lastly, cherries. They are GREAT for managing and preventing gout. 

‘Tart cherries and cherry juice keep urine pH at a slightly alkaline level, which inhibits accumulation of uric acid in the blood and consequential formation of uric acid crystals in joints.Cherries should definitely be a part of a low purine diet.’ 

*At Ki’s Kitchen, because we cater our meals to a variety of customers and clients, who are suffering, managing, or working to prevent disease, including foods low in purine and rich in vitamin C is a priority (unless there is another condition preventing us from doing so). 

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have found some valuable information, if so, I’d love to hear about it! Please feel free to share this post with anyone who might benefit, and comments are always welcomed and appreciated. 

I look forward to connecting with you next time!

And be sure to check out why you should order your family’s next meal courtesy of Ki’s Kitchen  

From my kitchen to yours, 


Ki's Kitchen






Kiran Bissoon