Treating the Symptoms of Lupus Using Ayurvedic Principles

treating lupus

SLE, which stands for Systemic Lupus Erythramatoses, but we will call it Lupus here, is a debilitating auto-immune disease that affects many organs, but primarily the skin, brain, kidneys, and joints. This is a progressive disease that affects significantly more women than men, and occurs when the body’s immune system can’t decipher between healthy tissue…

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How to Boost your Immunity this Coming Winter

winter immunity

Ah – the dreaded cold and flu season aka winter, is almost upon us, so we are all looking for ways to keep ourselves healthy and boost that immunity– despite the coughing and sniffling that many around us will be doing. Fortunately, the best and easiest way to keep our immune system running at its…

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Baby Steps to a Healthier You | That you Deserve

healthier you

All of the health and nutrition out there can be overwhelming and down right discouraging, are we right? When you just want to be healthier! It seems that everywhere we turn, some health professional or diet guru is claiming something “completely transformational” from just three ingredients, or, even more maddening, the complete opposite of what you…

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Vegetarian or Plant-Based Sources of Protein


If you’ve been with us for awhile, you will know that the meals we offer our clients are completely plant-based. However, while we eat and cook a plant-based diet, we have many friends and clients who do consume animal products, but they are looking for ways to increase the plant to animal ratio, and we are…

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The What, When, Why, and – According to Ayurvedic Principles


As we have learned from our previous conversations, Ayurveda or Ayurvedic is the ancient and revered Hindu practice of health and wellness. There are three mind-body types (called “Doshas”) in Ayurvedic Tradition Vata, Pitta, and Kasha, that are unique to each person and are a balance of physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. In an attempt…

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Why the Super Spice Turmeric Should be Part of your Diet


[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Turmeric is certainly having its moment in the spotlight. It has been on everyone’s radar for the last few years as a powerful anti-inflammatory – and, it can also help with reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, fighting the development of cancer cells, and, more recently, in potentially…

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Four Ways to Lead a More Plant-Based Lifestyle


At Ki’s Kitchen, we cook solely plant-based meals that are packed with flavour, protein, and nutrients. This diet serves our clientele well in that the food we prepare is based on anti-inflammatory principles and supports people dealing with compromised immune systems. However, we understand that this lifestyle isn’t for everyone. Many of our clients do…

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Move Over Disease – These Four Spices have Super Powers


There are FOUR other spices that we’d like to discuss with you today. These four are also super spices that have long been recognized for their ability to fight disease. Now, don’t get us wrong…we aren’t saying that these spices can be used to cure disease all on their own…what we are saying is that,…

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Baby Steps to a Healthier You


All of the health and nutrition out there can be overwhelming and down right discouraging, are we right? It seems that everywhere we turn, some health professional or diet guru is claiming something “completely transformational” from just three ingredients, or, even more maddening, the complete opposite of what you read the week before from someone apparently…

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Vegan | 3 Steps to Help you get Started the Right Way


As many of you know, I am vegan – and have been meatless for years. This was an easy choice, but unfortunately it was not an easy transition. We are conditioned to eat meat with just about every meal. Media has told us we need obscene amounts of protein to survive. The Food Guide has…

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