A-Z of Healing Herbs and Spices

healing herbs and spices

We thought we would change things up a bit today and focus on some healing herbs. Understanding the role of herbs (and, trying to navigate the aisles at your local health food store) can be overwhelming, to say the least. There are so many varieties, brands, and combinations available to consumers. If we choose to supplement…

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The Diverticulitis Diet and how we can Help


Diverticulitis is an infection of the diverticula (small, marble-sized sacs that line the inside of the digestive tract – specifically, the colon). It is estimated that roughly 10% of the North American population (over the age of 40) is affected by diverticulitis. Ranging in severity from minor discomfort to severe pain, and, in some cases,…

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Metabolic Syndrome and Your Diet

metabolic syndrome

Today, we’d like to talk about a topic that gets lots of attention, but that is often misunderstood. Metabolic syndrome refers to not one, but a cluster of health conditions. These include; high blood pressure, high blood sugar, fatty liver, and high cholesterol. Metabolic syndrome increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The…

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Refined Sugar and its Affect on your Overall Health


Most of us now know that refined sugar is not good for us. In recent years, we have learned that sugar not only contributes to weight gain and oral caries (cavities), but that it also contributes significantly to diabetes and heart disease. However, the scary thing is that these side effects are just the tip…

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Hormone Balancing Foods for Women


Our hormones are our body’s main control panel. When foods that we eat disrupt our delicate hormone balance, many systems go haywire, or, shut down altogether. Maintaining hormonal balance is essential to our health – an imbalance can affect our ability to lose weight, conceive a child, and maintain our mental health. In fact, studies…

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Anti-inflammatory Diet | Role of Diet in Fighting Diseases like Cancer

cancer disease prevention foods

In the last couple of posts, we’ve been discussing the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet in treating a vast number of chronic conditions. The versatility and broad appeal of this diet can also be seen when discussing diseases like cancer and multiple sclerosis. At Ki’s Kitchen, we believe in following the general principles of this healthy…

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Anti-inflammatory Diet | The role of a Keto Diet in Treating Inflammation


Last week, we started exploring the role of an anti-inflammatory diet and its many benefits to our overall health. In addition to reducing the effects of Candida (our focus last week), an anti-inflammatory diet can also be instrumental in reducing the effects of various thyroid conditions, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Alzheimer’s, IBS,…

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What is Fatty Liver and What you can do About it!

fatty liver help

Fatty liver, or “hepatic steatosis,” are terms used to describe the buildup of fat in the liver. While some fat is normal, more than 5-10% is considered a health problem. There are TWO kinds of fatty liver – alcoholic and non-alcoholic. As you can infer, the first type is the result of long-term consumption of…

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Insulin Resistance | Causes, Foods + Prevention

insulin resistance

Insulin is a hormone that is made by the pancreas. It allows your cells to use glucose (sugar) for energy. In people with insulin resistance, the body’s cells don’t use the insulin effectively – specifically, the cells have trouble absorbing the glucose, leading to a build up of sugar in the blood. Many people confuse…

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