Nutrition Labels | What Do They Mean?

nutrition labels

If you’re like me, you are probably reading the nutrition labels on all the foods you buy, constantly flipping over products to read them in the grocery isle. Here are some interesting facts and tips to reading them.  There are other nutrients, you know Although the Nutrition Facts tables only display information about fat, saturated…

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Disease Prevention Through Your Diet – Is It Possible?

disease prevention

I do want to stress that the following information is not meant to cure, treat or diagnose disease. What it is meant to do is bring to light some knowledge and experience. And, that is on how important diet is to our overall health. And, that eating the right foods, can support us in disease…

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What Is Candida, And What Can I Do About it?


A recent study (Rice University, in the United States) found that 70% of us have Candida albicans in our guts. But, the reality is that for most people this is not a problem at all. Candida albicans only becomes an issue when it overgrows, and that is usually as a result of diet or antibiotics. Candida…

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Salt Is Not Your Enemy – The Processed Food Is!


Cut your salt! That’s too much! How often have you said that, or heard that in your life? Probably a good number of times. And, what’s interesting is that it is not your enemy (within reason of course). Processed food is the enemy. It often carries enough salt in one serving to max out three…

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Autoimmune Diseases | When Your Body Turns On You

autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases do not need to mean a death sentence. For most, they are a form of inflammation.  You can give your body a fighting chance through proper nutrition, geared towards your specific illness.  There are millions of people in North America who suffer from autoimmune diseases every day. These can range from diabetes to…

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Disease Prevention Eating: Cancer and Other Ailments


Everyone reading this knows of someone who has contracted cancer, heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. The media does a lot of talking. And, grabbing attention on finding a breast cancer cure, early detection and treatment options. Conspicuously absent is a focus on the very significant role of diet and nutrition in both preventing and treating cancer,…

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Food Combining: Have Your Cake And Eat It First!

food combining

Quite often, after enjoying a meal, one starts to feel this sensation of bloating, lethargy, discomfort, etc.  Too many believe, this is normal and the sign of a satisfying meal.  Here comes the bad news .. In fact it is the complete opposite.  And, one way of avoiding this is to avoid over eating. But,…

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Coconut Oil and the Controversy Attached

coconut oil

Over the past ten (10) years, the popularity of coconut oil, and its uses has been on the rise. It was most common in South East Asian cooking. But has quickly found its way into; an alternative to other cooking oils, skin ointments, hair care products and more.  Some ‘experts‘among other articles and findings, suggested that…

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Kidney Stones – Preventing and Managing Through Your Diet

kidney stones

Chances are you or someone you know has suffered from kidney stones in past, unfortunately of course! They are not nearly as uncommon as one would like – and generally when you have had them once, you are more susceptible to having them again. Would you be surprised to know there are four (4) different…

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