Thyroid Health | How Important Is Your Diet?

thyroid health

Chances are, you knew you had a problem with your thyroid and it took a little while for your blood work to catch up to the inevitable. We know our bodies better than anyone else, and thyroid health is often one of those conditions that have us feeling a little frumpier, perhaps putting on weight or…

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Plant Based Iron | What Are The Best Sources?

Similar to the daunting question of where do you get your protein from – is that of where does a vegan/vegetarian obtain iron? It is amazing how far a little education on the subject can go – given there are a plethora of sources that provide plant based iron – believe it or not in some…

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Ki’s Kitchen FULL Interview | Inside Scoop

Thank you so much, wholeheartedly, for the overwhelming response from our Facebook Snippet Video. With such a great response, we wanted to give our readers and customers an opportunity to see the full interview right here on our blog! –   Here is the link to our new YouTube Channel as well! We’re…

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods | Get Back To Better Health | Top 7 Foods


Anti-Inflammatory foods can be key to your overall health and well-being. Because unfortunately, thousands of people suffer from conditions that when the immune system overreaches it begins attacking healthy body tissues. Let’s first clear the air though, because inflammation, providing it’s happening in a healthy body isn’t all bad. For example, when you suffer a…

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Liver Health | 9 Foods That Cleanse The Liver


The liver is the heaviest organ in the body and one of the largest. It is responsible for functions vital to your life. The liver primarily processes nutrients from food, makes bile, removes toxins from the body and builds proteins. Having said all this, I’m sure you can appreciate why its health is of huge importance to your quality of…

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A Healthy Body Includes A Healthy Mind

a healthy body includes a healthy mind

I know the Ki’s Kitchen weekly blog is generally about health through proper nutrition, but I believe, a healthy body includes a healthy mind. I am living proof of how mental stress can manifest itself physically and hurt or disable the body.    This has happened to me twice.   Once when I almost lost my…

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Gout | Discover Ways That Your Diet Can Help You Manage It


First, let’s clear things up. Gout, is most commonly referred to as being ‘an old mans disease‘ – where I promise you, this is not the case. More and more we are seeing younger people affected by this type of arthritis. Let’s first look at what gout is, and become familiar with the causes.  Gout is…

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Black Pepper | Top 5 Health Benefits You Might Not Know

You might not be surprised to know that black pepper is one of the worlds most traded spices, not too mention one of the most common spices added to different cuisines around the world.  What you might be surprised to know however, are the associated health benefits that black pepper provides.  Believe it not, it is…

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Great Sources Of Clean Protein | Non Vegetable

great sources of clean protein

What are some great sources of clean protein (non vegetable)? I wasn’t always a vegan. In fact, I only became a vegetarian when I was 13 years old because my mother decided that she was no longer eating meat.When I reached my twenties – rebellion kicked in, and I chose to eat meat (after not having consumed it…

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