Nourishing Insights for a Healthier You

Looking to learn more about how to lead a healthy lifestyle? Check out my blogs below!

preventing cold and flu

Preventing Cold and Flu Through Food and Diet Choices

By Kiran Bissoon | Nov 16, 2017

Through my diet I have been preventing cold and flu for more than two (2) years. People ask me all the time, ‘Kiran how is it you’re never sick anymore?’. My answer as you can as mentioned is food. You might be wondering what happened years before that — and the…


Turmeric may have Superpowers | Why it Should be Part of your Diet

By Kiran Bissoon | Nov 9, 2017

Turmeric is the spice that can change your life. Sure, it can add a new flavour to your cooking, even add great colour to your dishes – But how about being helpful with your health? From being a potent anti-inflammatory and reducer of IBS, to cancer prevention, it has many…


Sinus and Headache Relief Using Ayurvedic Remedies

By Kiran Bissoon | Nov 2, 2017

Many people turn to pain killers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve their headaches. However, these over the counter medicines simply suppress the symptoms, only to have the headache surface again. Or, this can also display as what is sometimes referred to as a ‘rebound headache‘. Frequent headache(s)…

alkaline diet

The 6 Alkaline Foods You Don’t Want To Exclude

By Kiran Bissoon | Oct 26, 2017

The Alkaline Diet, or alkaline foods are something you have probably heard of. And with so many diets and “buzzwords” going around, it’s hard to know which are worth investigating further. At Kis Kitchen I strive to not only arm you with healthy foods, but I think I can arm…


Ancient Cold and Flu Remedies – Are They Still Significant?

By Kiran Bissoon | Oct 19, 2017

Cold and Flu season is back! We’re back to dodging the flu, and we are hoping our bodies can fight off those colds quickly and efficiently on our own. But when they seem to linger longer than we can handle, it’s tempting to reach for a quick remedy. However, medications…

breast cancer

What Do Your Diet, Inflammation, and Breast Cancer Have in Common?

By Kiran Bissoon | Oct 12, 2017

Breast cancer is not just a cancer that affects women, men can get breast cancer too. And if that isn’t enough, we all have women in our lives who we love dearly. So, Instead of just going about our lives and hoping for the best, there are steps we can…

nutrition labels

Nutrition Labels | What Do They Mean?

By Kiran Bissoon | Oct 5, 2017

If you’re like me, you are probably reading the nutrition labels on all the foods you buy, constantly flipping over products to read them in the grocery isle. Here are some interesting facts and tips to reading them.  There are other nutrients, you know Although the Nutrition Facts tables only…

disease prevention

Disease Prevention Through Your Diet – Is It Possible?

By Kiran Bissoon | Sep 28, 2017

I do want to stress that the following information is not meant to cure, treat or diagnose disease. What it is meant to do is bring to light some knowledge and experience. And, that is on how important diet is to our overall health. And, that eating the right foods,…


What Is Candida, And What Can I Do About it?

By Kiran Bissoon | Sep 21, 2017

A recent study (Rice University, in the United States) found that 70% of us have Candida albicans in our guts. But, the reality is that for most people this is not a problem at all. Candida albicans only becomes an issue when it overgrows, and that is usually as a result…


Salt Is Not Your Enemy – The Processed Food Is!

By Kiran Bissoon | Sep 14, 2017

Cut your salt! That’s too much! How often have you said that, or heard that in your life? Probably a good number of times. And, what’s interesting is that it is not your enemy (within reason of course). Processed food is the enemy. It often carries enough salt in one…