Treating the Symptoms of Lupus Using Ayurvedic Principles

treating lupus

SLE, which stands for Systemic Lupus Erythramatoses, but we will call it Lupus here, is a debilitating auto-immune disease that affects many organs, but primarily the skin, brain, kidneys, and joints. This is a progressive disease that affects significantly more women than men, and occurs when the body’s immune system can’t decipher between healthy tissue…

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How your Diet can help Alleviate Crohn’s Symptoms


Crohn’s Disease is a serious, and often misdiagnosed, chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. It can sometimes be confused with irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis. Most medical practitioners believe that it is caused by a combination of genetic, psychological, and bacterial factors, with the likelihood of developing the disease dramatically increasing when a family…

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Autoimmune Diseases | When Your Body Turns On You

autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases do not need to mean a death sentence. For most, they are a form of inflammation.  You can give your body a fighting chance through proper nutrition, geared towards your specific illness.  There are millions of people in North America who suffer from autoimmune diseases every day. These can range from diabetes to…

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Fibromyalgia And The Foods That Cause Flare Ups


Living with fibromyalgia can be a roller coaster you feel you can never get off of. The list of triggers for flare ups can seem astronomical, and until you’ve made diet and lifestyle choices to help decrease the chronic pain. Lifestyle and food changes can make a world of difference, but one misstep can throw…

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Anti-Inflammatory Foods | Get Back To Better Health | Top 7 Foods


Anti-Inflammatory foods can be key to your overall health and well-being. Because unfortunately, thousands of people suffer from conditions that when the immune system overreaches it begins attacking healthy body tissues. Let’s first clear the air though, because inflammation, providing it’s happening in a healthy body isn’t all bad. For example, when you suffer a…

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