Disease Prevention Eating: Cancer and Other Ailments


Everyone reading this knows of someone who has contracted cancer, heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. The media does a lot of talking. And, grabbing attention on finding a breast cancer cure, early detection and treatment options. Conspicuously absent is a focus on the very significant role of diet and nutrition in both preventing and treating cancer,…

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Kidney Health | Top 5 Foods You Want To Include In Your Diet

kidney health

First and foremost, let’s cover why Kidney Health is important and then I want to leave you with the Top Five foods you should include in your diet to help prevent and/or manage, kidney disease which includes (not limited to); Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, Acute Lobar Nephronia, Acute Tubular Necrosis, and Abderhalden–Kaufmann–Lignac syndrome.  Your kidneys are responsible for three (3)…

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