Constipation and How you can Take Steps to Avoid it


According to Ayurvedic practice, you are only as healthy as your colon. Proper elimination of your bowels should occur once (or even twice) daily. Stool should be roughly the shape and texture of a ripe banana – that is, well formed, easy to pass, and somewhat bulky. If elimination is less frequent, painful, or not as it…

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Superfoods | What are they and why you should care!


Have you heard the buzz around superfoods? A superfood is described as a nutrient-dense food that is particularly beneficial for our health and wellbeing. Over the years, the foods on the list ebb and flow, with some showing more staying power than others. And, with the qualifying components ever evolving. What most proponents of superfoods…

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Ki’s Trio of Herbal Goodness | Find out What they are!

Herbal Goodness

Parsley (the flat leaf variety), mint, and cilantro are our favourite herbs to combine over here at Ki’s Kitchen. When these herbal flavours get together, some sort of beautiful magic happens. For today’s blog, we are going to share some of the health benefits of these three herbs, and also some of our favourite ways to…

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Tulsi | Everything you Need to Know about this Queen


Tulsi is certainly having “a moment” in our Western culture. But, it’s very interesting to note that Tulsi has been having a moment in India for the last five thousand years! Prized for its numerous health benefits, Tulsi, or Holy Basil, as it is also known, is a key ingredient in Ayurveda. In fact… … the…

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It’s Here! Ki’s Kitchen Vegetarian Bone Broth Recipe!

vegetarian bone broth recipe

It seems that everywhere we go these days people are talking about the virtues of bone broth. Its healing properties are vast and can include so many benefits but what about Vegetarian Bone Broth Recipe? Immune boosting support from minerals Reduced inflammation in joints from glucosamine Increased absorption and healing of the gut and intestinal…

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Diet or Lifestyle | Ki’s Kitchen ‘Take’

Healthy Diet

When we hear the word, “diet,” most of us picture calorie counting, endless stalks of celery, and way too much salad. However, the word diet actually has two meanings – one is the action of restricting what one eats in the attempt to lose weight, while the other means the style/kind of foods that a person…

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How your Diet can help Alleviate Crohn’s Symptoms


Crohn’s Disease is a serious, and often misdiagnosed, chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. It can sometimes be confused with irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis. Most medical practitioners believe that it is caused by a combination of genetic, psychological, and bacterial factors, with the likelihood of developing the disease dramatically increasing when a family…

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Practicing An Ayurvedic Lifestyle…Beyond The Food


The word, Ayurveda, (Ayurvedic) is derived from Sanskrit meaning, “the knowledge of life,” and defines an ancient Indian practice of healing wisdom that has been in practice for over 5,000 years. At Ki’s Kitchen, we tend to focus on the food aspect of Ayurveda, simply because that is our specialty and our passion. However, the…

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No ‘Whey’ Man! | What you should know about whey


This is not the tale of Little Miss Muffet. Instead, it is the tale of the controversial ingredient, whey, and why we, at Ki’s Kitchen, do not recommend the consumption of it. Whey is the residual product leftover from cheese production and is one of two proteins found in milk (casein is the other). For…

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS – The More you Know

irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, sometimes misdiagnosed as colitis, is a functional disorder of the large intestine that results in abdominal pain, gas, bloating, and alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation. Surprisingly, IBS affects up to 20% of the population, mostly women, and is the 2ndbiggest cause of work/school absence due to illness (the common cold is…

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