Eczema and Psoriasis


Did you know that skin is our body’s largest organ? It is, and it can take some TLC to keep this organ healthy and functioning to the best of its ability. Unfortunately, conditions such as eczema and psoriasis that I will touch on today, can greatly affect the skin and its condition.  However, diet can…

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Acne | Could your Diet be a Source of the Problem?

adult acne

As a teenager, I had terrible skin problems — acne, for the lack of a better word.  Lots of kids that age say their skin is problematic. But, I truly could not find a way to keep my skin clear of blemishes and bumps. I went through every possible treatment I could find for teen…

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Stress or anxiety? Make sure you are Eating the Right Food


We live in a busy, stressed out, world. In North America specifically, stress is rampant, and our health is suffering. Anxiety is at an all time high. The American Psychological Association noted that in 2017, 63% of us were stressed out about the future in general, with money and career following close behind.   Though…

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Trouble Sleeping? Maybe it’s your food!


You may have heard the saying you are what you eat. But, did you know that what you eat affects your sleep? Let me start by saying that 99% of the time I have no problem falling asleep.  According to my husband, once my head hits the pillow, I’m out!  But my poor husband has been…

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Gluten-free is NOT the same as Low Carb | Weight Loss


Have you jumped on the gluten-free bandwagon to lose weight? In recent years, the gluten-free food industry has expanded substantially creating a myriad of different products to cater to those on a gluten-free diet. Everything from gluten-free pasta to cereal bars to oatmeal, pancakes and even dessert. From the outset, you may think that a gluten-free…

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Proactive Health versus Reactive Health | My own Journey

proactive health

The following is not directed at any one person, and is not written with intention to offend anyone fighting critical, terminal, and life long illnesses.      It is all too often that we are much more reactive with our health, than practicing proactive health. This is most evident in how we treat our bodies.…

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