Sinus and Headache Relief Using Ayurvedic Remedies


Many people turn to pain killers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) to relieve their headaches. However, these over the counter medicines simply suppress the symptoms, only to have the headache surface again. Or, this can also display as what is sometimes referred to as a ‘rebound headache‘. Frequent headache(s) are often an indication of…

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Disease Prevention Through Your Diet – Is It Possible?

disease prevention

I do want to stress that the following information is not meant to cure, treat or diagnose disease. What it is meant to do is bring to light some knowledge and experience. And, that is on how important diet is to our overall health. And, that eating the right foods, can support us in disease…

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Disease Prevention Eating: Cancer and Other Ailments


Everyone reading this knows of someone who has contracted cancer, heart disease, diabetes or arthritis. The media does a lot of talking. And, grabbing attention on finding a breast cancer cure, early detection and treatment options. Conspicuously absent is a focus on the very significant role of diet and nutrition in both preventing and treating cancer,…

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Food Combining: Have Your Cake And Eat It First!

food combining

Quite often, after enjoying a meal, one starts to feel this sensation of bloating, lethargy, discomfort, etc.  Too many believe, this is normal and the sign of a satisfying meal.  Here comes the bad news .. In fact it is the complete opposite.  And, one way of avoiding this is to avoid over eating. But,…

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Mindful Eating | Are You Practicing This?

mindful eating

Picture the last meal you ate. Can you recall the fragrance? The colours? The textures? Perhaps you can recall what it felt like taking that first bite, or what it felt like when it crossed your lips. Chances are, you can recall the general details, but I’m suggesting you focus deeper. Mindful eating means slowing down…

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Gout | Discover Ways That Your Diet Can Help You Manage It


First, let’s clear things up. Gout, is most commonly referred to as being ‘an old mans disease‘ – where I promise you, this is not the case. More and more we are seeing younger people affected by this type of arthritis. Let’s first look at what gout is, and become familiar with the causes.  Gout is…

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