The Diverticulitis Diet and how we can Help


Diverticulitis is an infection of the diverticula (small, marble-sized sacs that line the inside of the digestive tract – specifically, the colon). It is estimated that roughly 10% of the North American population (over the age of 40) is affected by diverticulitis. Ranging in severity from minor discomfort to severe pain, and, in some cases,…

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Gluten Free | Should This Be Something To Consider

Gluten free seems to be the new buzzword we are hearing and seeing everywhere. From sweets, to meals, to entire restaurants, it can make you wonder if you should be eating gluten free as well. Before you start making drastic changes to your diet, there are some things to consider. Although gluten free foods are…

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Vegetables Have Sugar? Where Are They?

Last month, there was a post I shared with you about hidden sugars (click here for that post), and I know, based on the feedback, many people were shocked at where sugars are hiding! That piece focused a lot on the glycemic load – and more specifically to fruits. So I wanted to make sure…

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